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Are you operating your sales career within the guidelines of selling? Working at the execution level of sales is all about efficiency. Are you following the laws of selling? Professional sales training is the key to real success. If you think a well trained sales professional is expensive, try working with an amateur!

Key points:
  • How to ask for & obtain referrals the easy way
  • How to book and hold appointments
  • Learn how to handle leads & what to do when people just don’t call you back
  • The system for success on the telephone. How to get a 96% call back rate!
  • Sales statistics – How to economy proof your business and reach your income goals
Takeaway Message: A well-trained sales person has a system in place for sales prospecting and has discipline to carry it out. It doesn’t matter what kind of sales you are in, any sales person can make 10 dials in 30 minutes if they know who they are calling and what they are going to say. But chances are the sales person doesn’t know who to call or what to actually say. This sales prospecting workshop will teach you how to operate your business within the 10 commandments and make your sales soar!

"The soldiers that were able to take lessons learned and apply to the real world attribute an increase in referrals, callbacks, improved prospecting analysis, confidence at accomplishing these tasks and, most importantly, improved their quality of life."

MSG (R) Michael J.Dupre
The United States Army

50% Complete

Two Step

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