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There is a difference between “having” to do something and “getting” to do something.  It’s the gap between cooperation and compliance.

It is the difference between a leader and a manager. It is accountability vs. micro managing, and it is the difference between success and failure. How does a company set themselves up for success?  How do you hire the right talent?  How do you enhance performance?  Let’s explore how to really grow a business.

It’s too prevalent today to run across a business owner or manager that is only getting compliance from his/her employees/Independent contractors.  Why?  I would argue that it mostly comes down to pride—which happens to be one of the 7 deadly sins.  Compliance is driven by control, and control is a derivative of pride (ego).  Unfortunately, the bigger the ego, the lower the self-esteem.  A low level of self-esteem is a sign of lack of skill or confidence in what one does.  Have you ever met an executive that has the power to run a sales team—but wouldn’t or couldn’t pick up the phone and make a cold call if his/her life depended on it?  The root cause of poor performance from a sales person is poor leadership.

To get cooperation, which is defined as “the process of working together to the same end,” everything has to do with authenticity.  In order to get full cooperation (a team working together for the same vision of the company), to inspire an attitude of enthusiasm for prospecting and intentional growth—a true leader must be willing to go first.  You might argue that if someone owns a company or is a manager, it’s because they earned it.  It implies that they have “paid their dues”.  Sadly, that’s not usually the case.  A great sales person that transitions into a leadership position usually lacks the ability to “coach” based on skill. Rather, that person leads through intimidation.

  • It’s not who you know, but who knows YOU-How to get anybody to like you

  • Seven keys to coaching people to an even better performance

  • Obtain cooperation vs. compliance (inspire managers to lead the masses)

  • Win people to your way of thinking  (Advanced influence techniques)

"I took Tamara's sales class yesterday and it was so good! Such a good communicator and it taught me and my business so much! I highly recommend her!"

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