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Let’s talk about rejection, yuck! Nobody likes this word but now imagine it is a sign of something better to come for you 

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. ~Romans 8:28 

I had a prospect approach me about doing some work for their company and I was excited because I knew that I could do a stellar job. When it came time to negotiate the amount of money they were willing to pay it was so insulting I would have preferred that they just asked me to help them out free of charge. I declined to take the job because I felt rejected. I just shrugged it off. One thing I know for sure, is that if you get rejected (by a guy, a girl, a company or a family member) the good news is God has something better for you. It’s like you’re being protected because God may take something from you that you may rightfully deserve, but he may take it from you to do a “trade up”. It’s kind of like trading ...

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“Sabotage” means: to deliberately destroy. Turn mistakes into miracles

I think sabotage really means “excuses.” We say we want something but our actions don’t support what we desire; therefore, we are not congruent with who we are. Unless we can make our “unconscious mind” be in alignment with our “conscious will,” we will be inauthentic.

We learn by doing; through practice the athlete becomes powerful. It’s funny that anyone can talk a good game, but we get rewarded in public because of what we practice in private. I’ve always found joy in reflecting on what I learn in church and I’m sure when I die God will probably say, “Tamara you were a good person—you followed the rules but what’s up? You didn’t have time to read my book!”

Ouch! If we dabble we debate. Do we dabble going to the gym once a month? Do we dabble being disciplined at work? It’s time to have our actions match our desires. If we find that we sabotage ourselves, keep reading…

Even our mistakes can’t derail God’s plan...

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Have you heard the good news!  If you are in sales and you “don’t believe in cold calling” you might be losing out on a lot of money.  Too many sales gurus say that cold calling is dead and the truth is they just don’t want to do it.  How do you help a salesperson who is striving for 100,000 dollars a year – but he doesn’t get leads from his company. What does he do all day?  Well of course, calling on past and current clients, asking for referrals, is the first place to start, that is basic to sales training because “one” referral is equivalent to “fifteen” cold calls.  But what do you do after you’ve called all of your clients?  Networking, of course that is good too, but then you actually have to follow-up with whomever you met. Sales Training will usually identify that roughly Seventy-five percent of sales people never even follow up one time with a prospect. So if you are struggling financially, you MUST cold call, I mean, ”Make new friends!”

I built my business on cold calling a...

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Cooperation vs. Compliance

There is a difference between “having” to do something and “getting” to do something.  It’s the gap between cooperationand compliance. It is the difference between a leader and a manager. It is accountability vs. micro managing, and it is the difference between success and failure.

How does a company set themselves up for success?  How do you hire the right talent?  How do you enhance performance?  Let’s explore how to really grow a business.

It’s too prevalent today to run across a business owner or manager that is only getting compliance from his/her employees/Independent contractors.  Why?  I would argue that it mostly comes down to pride—which happens to be one of the 7 deadly sins.  Compliance is driven by control, and control is a derivative of pride (ego).  Unfortunately, the bigger the ego, the lower the self-esteem.  A low level of self-esteem is a sign of lack of skill or confidence in what one does.  Have you ever met an executive that has the power to run a sales team—but...

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“Success is not about your resources, it’s about how resourceful you are!” ~ Tamara

US News and World Report did a study and they found that only 9% of the time when someone buys or switches companies, it’s because of price.  I’m constantly hearing from sales people: “Oh but not my industry”… Yep, even your industry.  So many companies don’t want to be seen as a commodity,  but how does a company do that?  How do you set yourself up to be the best, charge the most, and capture the market share?  What you will find is that it’s easier than you think.

I recently went to Costco to pick up some of my regular stuff — tissues, laundry detergent etc.  I had my list and just as I was gathering up the rest of my items, I ended up watching a demonstration for a Blend Tech Blender — yep a $450 dollar blender.  Now, I already had a blender so I didn’t need one. I didn’t even want one because I like what I have and I certainly did not have $450 in my budget for a blender. But, guess what?  I walked out buying a Blend Tech Blender. Why? They were AWESOME at setting themselves up f...

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Seven Keys to Coaching People to Better Performance

#1- Don’t “tell” people what you can “ask” them!  To increase performance, the first step would be to start asking instead of telling.  It’s the difference between someone “having” to do something, or them “wanting” to do something.  It’s the old “have to” vs. “get to” attitude that as leaders we want to instill in our team.  If I tell my sales person to, “make 50 dials today,” and then that person doesn’t do it, then I am put in a situation where I need to micro-manage that person.  But if I ask, “how many dials today will get you to your goal,” I then put my sales person in a power position.  You want your team members to take responsibility for their results—and own them.  Coaching performance improvement is possible!

#2- Create success systems and structure. Sounds simple, right?  Most companies don’t have this though.  They might have an employee handbook, but chances are they have not interviewed the top people in their firm and put together a best practices model for the new hi...

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How to Ask for Referrals…The Classy Way

Cold calling is super effective…if you know what you are doing! What I can’t understand is why so many companies emphasize prospecting (cold calling) aka making new friends :), when the majority of companies I consult with don’t even ask their current clients (people that love them) for referrals? The answer is they just don’t know how to do it!  Sure, I could call  you and say, “Hey, who do you know that would be interested in working with me?”, but I would rate this “ask” as an F-. Why? Because referrals have nothing to do with me! Referrals have everything to do with you “my client” and your friends.  Have you heard the line “Your referrals are the greatest compliment I could receive?” Yuck! Or worse: “I build my business on your referrals.” Who cares? Sorry, but this is so unprofessional.

Let’s break this down; referrals are NOT about you so it’s not a compliment to you. Referrals are given because your client believes that you will make him/her look good with their friends/client...

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Minimalism - the Enemy of Excellence in Sales

I believe that minimalism is an infectious disease today.  It is descripted as a mentality of “what’s the least I can do and still get by.” It is a mentality of “have to” verses “get to”; it is a disease of the mind, the spirit, the will to excel.  It is the reason depression is on the rise and suicide is so prominent, it is the end result from practicing procrastination.   But I want to talk to the people that might be on the verge of it, those that are working, distracted by life’s “to do’s”, but not maxing out at their potential.  It is the person that has the potential but their resources hold them back from stepping into their true power — and being resourceful.

Emotional fitness is when you decide what you want, and then your feelings follow.  Emotional suicide is letting your emotions dictate your choices.  There is the spirit and there is the flesh.  Your spirit tells you to hold out and delay your fleshly desires, your flesh demands immediate gratification.  How do we live in...

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Increase Sales Performance Now!

If you want to increase sales performance you must adapt to the mindset, “eventually everybody buys”…They just don’t always buy when we need a commission.  You get compensated on each call you make and commissioned on some of them, which means you must pick up the phone more often!

It is impossible to manage what you don’t measure.  What’s interesting in the world of coaching is the top reasons why coaches fail in their own coaching business.  Here are the top 3 reasons

  1. They don’t have a coach for themselves (they don’t invest in themselves)

 2. They don’t know how to sell their services

 3. They charge per hour

If I were to tell you why most salespeople fail at making the income they desire here are the top 3 reasons:

1. They don’t love selling, thus they don’t invest in themselves (usually have a bad attitude and blame everything but their poor efforts)

2. They don’t know what they sell or can’t articulate why someone should buy from them versus their competition

3. They ...

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Get Organized! Master Paper & Technology

Do you feel like Superman but when you get around technology it turns into kryptonite? Do you become weak and frustrated?  Do you sometimes feel powerless over technology? Do you need organization? Tamara has found the antidote to cure you!

Do you have more than ten business cards on your desk right now?  If so, I’m talking to you!  The average person spends ten hours a week looking for information; that means you had a note on a piece of paper and maybe you scanned it into your computer but it’s also in a pile somewhere.  Or maybe you have a phone number on a business card but that card is at your office and you now have to search online for that persons contact info.  Ten hours a week!  We’ve heard from the Time Management experts, “Check your email twice a day, touch that piece of paper once.”  Yikes!  “I have that piece of paper and I’ve been holding it for two hours—um where did I put it? Oh I bought the organizational system for papers but now I’m so organized (too organized)

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